Female Business Haven
by SKE Creative Services

The Psychology Of Copywriting: Understanding How People Think And Act

How can you get people to buy your stuff? You see them go to your sales pages and then click away. What the heck? Your stuff is good and you know it!

So, why don't they?

There's a psychology to...

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The Power of Proofreading: How To Increase Engagement And Boost Sales With Editing

Have you ever read a book, an ad, a website or anything else a business put out but you ended up being so distracted because of a few typos you found in the piece of writing?

Yes, same!

It happens....

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How to Master the Art of Writing Persuasive Copy with These Powerful Tips

business tips copywriting Jun 07, 2023

When we are writing copy for our business - whether that's on social media, a sales page or our website - it's important we persuade our customers to buy.

We want to hook them on the value of what...

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Why You Shouldn't Completely Replace Your Editor With An AI Tool

Have you been watching the rise of AI and thinking that it might be an interesting way to save some time and money?

I mean there seems to be an AI tool for just about everything nowadays hey?


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5 Unforgettable Ways to Transform Your Website Copy with Your Powerful Story

I'm sure you've been told this before... Keep your copy all about 'THEM.'

Don't talk about you.
Don't make it about you.
Change all the I's to You's.

But I also hear all the time "People aren't...

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Top 3 Reasons I Can't Get Into Artificial Intelligence (AI) As A Copywriter

Yes, by now I'm sure we have all heard of AI, Artificial Intelligence. And you may or may not have formed an opinion about it.

Mine? Honestly, not the biggest fan.

Now, I want to preface by saying,...

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5 Reasons Why The Written Word Is Still Vital In Today's Digital World

copywriting psychology Nov 09, 2022

Do you write things out using pen and paper or are you an avid typer?

I asked this question in my Facebook Group and the answers were fairly mixed.

Many were just typers. Some hand-wrote...

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