The Power of Proofreading: How To Increase Engagement And Boost Sales With Editing

Have you ever read a book, an ad, a website or anything else a business put out, but you ended up being so distracted because of a few typos you found in the piece of writing?

Yes, same!

It happens. We all make mistakes. One here or there isn't always a big deal, but it can be.

In something that isn't of high importance (such as a blog or social media post), it can be overlooked, but in something bigger, such as your website, it can be a make-or-break situation. Consistent mistakes, even in something such as a social media post, can also lead to missed opportunities.

Hiring a proofreader/editor isn't usually the first thing you think about when you're looking to hire help in your business, but don't worry; I get it. There are plenty of other services you look at hiring first. But trust me when I say someone who can proofread will be one of your most valuable assets in your business.



First, when you put out websites, emails or other forms of copy that are full of common spelling mistakes, your professionalism tanks. People have expectations when they give their money to a business that that person knows which version of 'your' is correct.

When you're trying to sell things, whether that's online or in person or any other mode, there is a certain level of expected professionalism. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't show your personality because it's not "professional," no go for it! People want to know you. There's a saying that "people aren't buying your product, they're buying you," and this is especially true for online businesses such as coaches and freelancers.

So go ahead and let your personality show through!

But make sure you have things spelled correctly. If you're a freelance graphic designer looking to work with other businesses, consistent spelling and grammar mistakes can make them question whether or not they want to work with you. They may immediately see you as less professional than someone whose website has no spelling mistakes and pass you up for someone else.


Along these lines, spelling mistakes also make people hesitant to buy because they see you as less reputable. People get distracted and thrown off by spelling mistakes.

Having few to no grammar and spelling mistakes immediately increases your credibility. Since there are many people in the world who offer what you do, spelling mistakes can make them see you as a less reputable business and not want to take the risk, so they move on to someone else. When the market is hot, it's the little things that make you stand out.


Spelling mistakes can also affect your engagement rate. When you have a post with spelling mistakes and your reader catches them, they will immediately stop taking in what the post is about because they are then focused on the mistake itself.

They may not even finish reading your post and, instead, just scroll on. Hiring an editor, even for social media posts, can increase your engagement and improve your overall message effectiveness. 


The bottom line is...

If people are distracted by typos in your copy they aren't retaining your overall message, they start to see you as less credible than other businesses and chances are they feel less inclined to buy from you so you end up losing money.

You can edit and proofread your own stuff, but you won't always catch your mistakes as you already know in your head what you said, and you may always write the wrong 'there.’

I highly recommend, if you make minimal mistakes already, simply installing software such as Grammarly onto your computer, or if you know spelling and grammar are not your strengths, then hire an assistant who is a good editor.

Don't have your stuff passed up because you left spelling mistakes on your website!


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