Sustainable wellness for a long & healthy life










You know you want a wellness plan that encompasses everything & promotes an eco-friendly life.

But you're just not sure where to turn.

All the wellness information online is confusing, judgemental & and misses the eco-friendly part. It makes your head spin and it doesn't feel inclusive to your needs.

You want it all but you want it to be simple. You're looking for...

Eco-Friendly Living

Take A Moment And Imagine What It's Going To Be Like When:

✔️ You have a clear starting point and plan of action

✔️ You feel secure and in control of your own wellness

✔️ You feel seen as an introvert, neurodivergent, empath, or HSP

✔️ You have a positive, empowering and non-judgemental solution to wellness

✔️ You have goals that make you happy instead of goals that make you feel bad about yourself for not already being at your goal

✔️ Health is a privilege and something you do because you love it instead of it being a punishment

✔️ You wake up feeling good instead of dreading having to get that workout in

"I have always been skeptical of coaching and nutrition programs. Nothing ever seemed to cover all the aspects I needed or wanted, until now. When Sarah approached me about wellness coaching, it was everything I needed and more!

I’ve spent most of my life struggling with disordered eating and body dysmorphia. Programs I’ve tried before have made my relationship with food worse and I was never satisfied with my body image.

With Sarah, I’m learning to heal my relationship with food and start to love my body again. I used to look at myself in the mirror and be so critical; now I can see all the positive aspects of myself. She has taught me so much about the importance of mindset! A positive mindset really does make a tremendous difference.

I love that every week we can do a different topic and that she holds me accountable. Sarah is a wealth of knowledge! I have never seen a more all-inclusive program covering topics of nutrition, physical and mental health, stress, self-care, emotional health and even sustainability according to the framework of the Blue Zones!

Every week I look forward to my next session and the improvements that come with it. My mindset is substantially more positive, I’ve lost weight in a healthy way (for once in my life) despite not setting or focusing on weight loss at all, and I’ve been able to reduce my level of stress!"


I'm an introverted, neurodivergent, misfit. 

Here's What You Can Expect When You Join The Thrive For Life Mastermind:

⭐️ 6 weeks of wellness, health, longevity & sustainability lessons

⭐️ A customized wellness plan of action that you refine and perfect each week

⭐️ Positive feelings towards your health journey instead of feelings of failure, disgust, and disappointment

⭐️ Direct support from me on our six LIVE group hotseat calls

⭐️ A community of incredible women who understand the importance of tackling health the holistic way, learning right alongside you

⭐️3 jam-packed lessons on living like a centenarian

⭐️ Dedicated implementation time to help you, not just create the plan but start

⭐️ Lots of juicy bonuses

⭐️ Tons of smiles, laughter & positivity because health & wellness shouldn't be a punishment but a loving act









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The Wellness Answer You've Been Looking For Has Arrived

Join the waitlist TODAY to ensure you get a spot and to get some juicy perks!