How To Repurpose Content: Revive Your Existing Content

You don't have to be constantly creating new and innovative things everyday. You can use your existing content to create new content. Introducing: Repurpose Content.

As a content creator, you know the feeling all too well: the pressure to constantly produce new, engaging, and high-quality content to captivate your audience. But what if you could reduce the burden of content creation while still reaching and resonating with your target audience? Enter the art of repurposing content.

Repurposing content is the strategic process of transforming existing content into new, valuable, and relevant formats that appeal to different segments of your audience. By giving your content a second life, you can increase its visibility, extend its lifespan, and maximize its potential – all without starting from scratch.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, content repurposing is no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have. With the ever-increasing demands on content creators, repurposing content offers a refreshing solution to content fatigue. By leveraging your existing content, you can:

  • Save time and resources

  • Boost engagement and reach

  • Enhance brand consistency

  • Improve search engine optimization (SEO)

Why Repurpose Content?

Content creation can be challenging. Some people actually do it as their full-time job. If you’re not a full-time content creator, it can feel like it’s hard to keep up with those who do it for a living. It can be very time-consuming. Trust me, if you’re kind of a perfectionist, creating content can take hours, and then suddenly, you realize that you haven’t actually gotten your real work done… It’s even worse when that piece of content, that took you hours and away from your work, only got 200 views.

It can also be quite resource-intensive. Professional content creators have lots of high-end equipment (expensive), subscriptions to things, etc. While that isn’t always necessary for the type of content you might be creating, it still pulls you away from your regular work, so the resources being used is you.

Repurposing your content helps by:

  1. Reducing your content creation fatigue–People won’t see everything you post unless they’re actively looking for it daily. So save yourself some exhaustion and reuse some of what you’ve already made. You can make tweaks, but honestly, doing this occasionally will help keep the fatigue of constant creation at bay.

  2. Increasing your visibility and reach–Go and look at the analytics of your content. Which ones performed the best? What had the most engagement? What CTAs got people taking action the most? Either reuse the same piece of content or recreate parts of it. You can either take something and tweak it or use the same structure. That way, you have a better chance of getting a higher reach since you already know it is what people like.

  3. Enhancing your brand’s consistency–Consistency is key. But creating something brand new every day can feel like a lot for your poor brain. Some days, you just aren’t as switched on. Those are the days that are great to go back into your content bank and repurpose a high-performing post. That way, you stay consistent, but you also give your brand a much-needed break.

  4. Improving your SEO–Look at the data and what performed well. You can re-optimize your keywords for posts/content that worked well already. You can also use one piece of content to create other types of content, moving the keywords to other platforms and gaining even more traction.

Interested in learning more about SEO and keywords? Check out this blog post to become a pro!

How To Repurpose Content: Revive Your Existing Content

What types of content can you repurpose?

  1. Blog posts

  2. Social media posts

  3. Webinars

  4. Podcasts

  5. Videos

  6. Infographics

  7. E-Books/Whitepapers

Really, you can repurpose any kind of content. I’ve republished blog posts before, turned blog posts into social posts, turned social posts into blog posts, taken information from other types of content to make something new. There’s a lot of different things you can do.

Ideas for repurposing your content:

Turning Blog Posts into:

  1. Videos or Animations:

    • Create explainer videos using animated graphics.

    • Record a video summary of the blog post.

    • Use screen recording software to create tutorial videos.

    • Utilize video templates from platforms like Lumen5 or Powtoon.

  2. Podcast Episodes:

    • Read the blog post aloud with additional commentary.

    • Invite an expert to discuss the topic in-depth.

    • Create a podcast series based on a cluster of related blog posts.

    • Use podcast platforms like Anchor or Buzzsprout.

  3. Infographics:

    • Visualize statistics or data from the blog post.

    • Create a step-by-step guide or checklist.

    • Illustrate key concepts or processes.

    • Use design tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud.

  4. Social Media Series:

    • Break down the blog post into smaller, bite-sized chunks.

    • Create a daily or weekly series on a specific theme.

    • Share quotes, images, or key takeaways.

    • Utilize Instagram Stories, Facebook Live, or Twitter Threads.

Transforming Webinars into:

  1. Video Courses:

    • Break down the webinar into smaller, modular lessons.

    • Add interactive elements like quizzes or assessments.

    • Use platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Kajabi.

    • Offer certifications or continuing education credits.

  2. eBooks:

    • Transcribe the webinar and edit it into a comprehensive guide.

    • Add additional resources, templates, or checklists.

    • Design a visually appealing eBook with graphics and images.

    • Distribute through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Apple Books.

  3. Podcast Series:

    • Record a series of podcast episodes based on webinar topics.

    • Invite webinar speakers or experts for in-depth discussions.

    • Create a podcast series with a narrative arc.

Converting Social Media Posts into:

  1. Blog Posts:

    • Expand on a popular social media thread.

    • Combine related posts into a comprehensive guide.

    • Add more depth, research, or expert insights.

    • Optimize for SEO with relevant keywords.

  2. Newsletters:

    • Curate a selection of social media posts on a theme.

    • Add exclusive content, updates, or promotions.

    • Use email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or ConvertKit.

    • Create a regular newsletter series.

  3. Email Courses:

    • Develop a structured email course with lessons and exercises.

    • Use automation tools like email workflows or autoresponders.

    • Offer exclusive content, templates, or resources.

Upcycling Outdated Content into:

  1. Updated Blog Posts:

    • Refresh outdated statistics or research.

    • Update outdated best practices or advice.

    • Republish with a new title, meta description, and keywords.

    • Internally link to other relevant, updated content.

  2. Refreshed Social Media Content:

    • Revise and re-share evergreen content.

    • Update outdated images, graphics, or videos.

    • Repurpose into new social media formats (e.g., IGTV, Facebook Live).

    • Utilize social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite or Buffer.

Additional Tips To Repurpose Content:

Repurpose across multiple channels

  • Sharing repurposed content across various platforms helps maximize reach, engagement, and visibility. Consider the following:

    1. Social media platforms: Share repurposed content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

    2. Content hubs: Publish repurposed content on Medium, Quora, or LinkedIn Pulse.

    3. Email newsletters: Include repurposed content in regular newsletters or dedicated campaigns.

    4. Podcast platforms: Distribute podcast episodes through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

    5. Video platforms: Share video content on YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook Watch.

    6. Blogging communities: Share repurposed content on blogging communities like WordPress or Blogger.

    7. Guest blogging: Publish repurposed content as guest posts on relevant sites.

    Best practices:

    • Tailor content to each platform's unique audience and format.

    • Use platform-specific optimization techniques (e.g., YouTube keywords).

    • Share content at optimal times for each platform.

    Keep formatting consistent

    Consistent branding and formatting across repurposed content reinforces your identity and enhances credibility:

    1. Visual branding: Use consistent logos, colour schemes, typography, and imagery.

    2. Tone and voice: Maintain a consistent tone and voice across all content.

    3. Formatting templates: Create templates for social media posts, blog posts, and email newsletters.

    4. Style guides: Establish a style guide for writing, formatting, and design.

    5. Imagery: Use consistent image styles, sizes, and formats.

    Best practices:

    • Develop a brand style guide.

    • Use design tools with built-in templating (e.g., Canva).

    • Ensure consistency across all content creators.

    Track performance

    Monitoring engagement and analytics helps refine repurposing strategies and optimize content:

    1. Analytics tools: Use Google Analytics, social media insights, or email marketing analytics.

    2. Track engagement metrics: Monitor likes, comments, shares, and clicks.

    3. Conversion tracking: Measure conversions, leads, or sales generated from repurposed content.

    4. A/B testing: Test different formats, headlines, or CTAs to optimize performance.

    Best practices:

    • Set clear goals and KPIs for repurposed content.

    • Regularly review analytics to identify trends and areas for improvement.

    • Adjust repurposing strategies based on performance data.

    Involve experts

    Collaborating with experts or influencers adds credibility, depth, and authority to repurposed content:

    1. Guest experts: Invite experts to contribute to blog posts, podcasts, or videos.

    2. Influencer partnerships: Partner with influencers to promote repurposed content.

    3. Expert interviews: Conduct interviews with experts to create unique content.

    4. Curated content: Share expert-created content with your audience.

    Best practices:

    • Research and vet potential expert collaborators.

    • Clearly define collaboration goals and expectations.

    • Ensure expert contributions align with your brand's tone and voice.

    Stay organized

    Using content calendars or project management tools helps track repurposing efforts and ensure consistency:

    1. Content calendars: Plan and schedule content across multiple channels.

    2. Project management tools: Use tools like Trello, Asana, Notion or Basecamp to track repurposing tasks.

    3. Spreadsheets: Create spreadsheets to track content performance and analytics.

    4. Collaboration tools: Use tools like Slack or Google Workspace for team communication.

    Best practices:

    • Establish a centralized content hub.

    • Set clear deadlines and responsibilities.

    • Regularly review and update content calendars.

By implementing these strategies, you can breathe new life into your existing content, increase engagement, and reach a wider audience.

Looking for some high-converting hooks for your Instagram content? Grab 10 here!


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