3 Reasons Why Outsourcing In Your Business Is Good For Your Health

There is a long list of reasons why outsourcing in your business is a good idea, probably the best idea. The best thing you can do for the success and longevity of your business.

But there is more to it than that.

I don't need to write a blog on why outsourcing will help your business financially. You and I both have been in this world long enough to know that it's always beneficial to outsource.

While you are an expert in your field virtual assistants, launch specialists, copywriters, graphic designers, marketers, etc. are all experts in their fields. Honestly, many people are probably better at their trade than you would be trying to do it by yourself. I know I have stumbled on this time and time again. I have tried to do it myself but there's honestly someone better at it than me at certain things.

Running a business can be exhausting. It can take a lot out of you.

It's mentally and physically exhausting and can take so much out of you... Preaching to the choir right?

Outsourcing really is your gift from the heavens.

But did you know, it also offers some great health benefits too?

Doing it alone can actually cause you to have worse health. Have you ever gone through a launch by yourself and by the time you were done realized you had no energy left to actually serve the clients who you signed up with you?

Or if you're a wedding photographer doing it alone and you've shot weddings every weekend from May to October and then when you were finished you were so burnt out you had a hard time editing the galleries or doing regular photo sessions in the off-season?

Here are 3 reasons why outsourcing in your business is good for your health:


1. Gives you more time in a day to take care of yourself


We have all heard that stress is a huge productivity killer. When you try to do all the things not only does your entire day... let's be real... your entire life becomes just working. You don't get any downtime.

You end up having to trade time for money and if you want to make a decent amount of money then trading time for money is not the play.

I always say on client discovery calls "with one brain and two hands you have a cap to how much you can do. When you hire someone you now have two brains and four hands and what you can do has at the very minimum doubled (if not more)."

You now have time to do other things in your day. You can go for a daily walk, exercise, plan your meals better/eat more consistently, get better sleep, meditate, read, journal, whatever it is. Business owners know how much their health matters but running a business takes up so much time when you're finished you end up just crashing like a tornado into bed... Amiright or am I right?!

When you take care of yourself your stress decreases and your chances of burnout lower. Stress can wreak havoc on your body. It can cause you to gain weight, impact your mental performance, slow you down, cause your hormones to get out of wack, impact your sleep or cause insomnia, cause memory problems, decrease your productivity and so much more... woo, it does a lot.

Hiring someone can give you back even a few hours in your day. A few hours you can spend away from your business and taking care of yourself.

2. Lowers your chance of depression


Fun fact! When you hire someone into your business and get hours back in your day (therefore, work shorter days, yay!) your chances of getting depression actually lower.

Research shows that people who "work more than 11 hour days are 2.5 times more likely to develop depression."

As someone who struggled with depression since she was a child I can tell you, it's no walk in the park. Depression makes you feel listless, hopeless and causes you to not care about anything. One great way to kill a business is to stop caring about it and I just don't want that for you, my friend.

So to help your mental health and mindset figure out who you need to hire most in your business (eg. a general VA, a copywriter, a graphic designer, a launch integrator, etc.) and do that. Get those hours back for yourself as quickly as you can because you can't go back in time and make it up.

You've got to look forward and plan for your future and your future involves you running a successful business and having sound mind and body health. You've got this!

3. Increases your life expectancy


Now the first two might not actually surprise you but I can bet this one might!

Yes, research shows that those who work long workdays are actually "60 times more likely to develop heart disease." Heart disease is actually a preventable illness believe it or not. 

Now as a business owner you may work more than the regular 40 hour work week but there might be something to cutting those hours down. Researchers in Sweeden discovered that simply cutting the regular work week from 40 hours to 35 hours actually decreased employee sick days (and saved employers money).

At the end of the day, your overall health is your ticket to living a longer life but not just a longer life but a longer and healthier life.

If we look at examples from the 'Blue Zones' around the world we can see that these centenarians aren't just living to 100 they are thriving to 100. They outperform people who are 20-30 years younger than them on physical and cognitive tests.

Now isn't that the dream?


Simply put, when you hire someone the ripple effect of what that gives you ends up with massive improvements to your health.

Not only can the people you hire increase the money you make in your business but it also increases how much you can get done in a day while still giving you extra hours for your leisure.

Your health is an extremely important factor in you being able to run and maintain your business. You have more energy and stamina, you have better brain function and you are just an overall happier person. All things that are necessary for business success.

Don't discount how important taking care of your overall health is for your business success. Success in business involves so much more than simply the hours and work you put in.

Believe me.

If the only determinant to success in business was "hard work" then wouldn't most of the world be extremely successful?!

If you're looking for a way to get started on the perfection-free life grab your copy of my zero-dollar Perfection Busting Solution guide for an easy way to get started. You can take back your control and kick perfectionism to the curb. Get started today!


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