3 Reasons Why Close Friends Help You Live Longer

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

Having friends is a very common and human experience. Most people have them and a lot of people have at least one very close friend. But did you know, having a close group of friends can also help you live longer?

True story!

When we look at patterns in the Blue Zones (areas of the world that have the longest living people), friends are a high priority in every single one.

For instance, in Okinawa, Japan friends are considered a lifelong commitment. They refer to these friends a Moai's. These friends are people who stick around through thick and thin, they support them through all the big life events, provide financial support when needed, and they meet regularly and support the other group members' lifestyles and activities.

In Sardinia, Italy and Ikaria, Greece, friends are extremely important as well. They become members of the family. They stick around for life, play games, and meals tend to include tons of them and are extremely social affairs.

In Nicoya, Costa Rica, visiting neighbours is a daily occurrence. They are always surrounded by people and they have a "special ability to listen and laugh." They have extremely positive outlooks and highly appreciate their social networks.

In Loma Linda, California, the Seventh Day Adventist Church provides a great source of close nit friends. These centenarians value having friends who believe in what they believe and value what they value. They regularly see these friends and engage in spiritual practices.

In every Blue Zone, the relationships with friends are so unique but friends are an extremely important and valued part of society.

Friends are simply a natural part of the environment. People live in small and connected places, everyone knows each other, and maintaining connections with one's neighbours is a natural part of their life and society.

Dan Buettner, the founder of the Blue Zones, states that environment is an extremely important part of living a Blue Zones life. Of course, we have to change our habits, but habits alone don't help you live to 100. In the Blue Zones, the habits are a natural part of life, including the availability and ease of visiting with friends, family, and neighbours.

It's easy to walk to your neighbour's houses and doors are always open and welcoming so friend groups are quite extensive.

Research in this area is also quite extensive. Research shows that weak social ties can actually increase your risk of premature death by up to 50%.

So, why are close friends such an important part of living longer?


1. Research shows, close friends and social groups are linked to lower rates of mental illness and stress

Have you ever felt extremely stressed about something or really down and then you spend time with your best friend and you suddenly feel better? What if, seeing your best friend (or lots of best friends) was a regular part of your day? You wouldn't end up even having time to feel that way.

Granted, there are a lot of reasons that centenarians have low stress in the Blue Zones, but friends are an important part of that.

Psychologists will also tell you when you go to see them about mental illness related concerns that reaching out to or visiting with friends is a highly recommended activity. Our mood can change depending on what information we are taking in and that includes the words and energy of the people around us.

Spending time with positive, uplifting and supportive friends can naturally help our moods lift and keep feeling good!

2. Close friendships have a huge impact on biological factors

High levels of stress can lead to negative impacts on your coronary arteries, stomach function, insulin production and immune system function. On the flip side, research showed that strong friendships helped release the stress-reducing hormones in the body so the body naturally had an easier time dealing with stressors as they came up.

But a lot of research has been done in the areas of stress, biological functions and social connections.

One study demonstrated that those with strong social friendships had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, and one study even found that the risk for dementia was lowest with those who had close friends.

"Those who lack strong social contacts are more likely to have higher levels of stress and inflammation, which can negatively impact every bodily system, including the brain, says the New York Times. Without social interactions, blood flow to vital organs lessens and immune function is decreased. Chronic inflammation, another by-product of weak social ties, can lead to increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes and suicide." (Paragraph from this article)


3. Takes care of our need for belonging and connection

Have you ever heard of Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs? According to this theory, humans have a pyramid of needs, something every human needs for proper functioning and survival, starting with the most basic needs and working its way up. These needs are present throughout the lifespan and are inherent.

One of these needs is love and belonging. Belonging, love, connection, and socialization are seen in many animal groups and are especially important for humans. We are social creatures and as demonstrated having weak social ties actually leads to the worsening of many biological functions.

Meeting this need leads to a happier life, decrease feelings of loneliness, and an easier time meeting the other needs on the pyramid). 


There are many great reasons to have close friends. The research on this subject is really interesting.

It even shows that people who have strong social ties with unhealthy habits often live longer than those who have healthy habits and weak social ties (of course, those who have both live the longest. Think Blue Zones).

Friends can help you develop beliefs, values and morals and encourage the upholding of them. Friends often think the same way, validate you, and participate in things that you are interested in (which can take care of your need for esteem).

So, I recommend touching base with a good friend today. Don't underestimate the power of a friend visit!

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