3 Reasons Why Learning To Love Our Body Is The Key To Business Success

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2022

I heard a coach say "self-love doesn't sell." And I think he is right but should be wrong.

He's right. It doesn't sell. It's not valued.

Everyone who feels stuck, overwhelmed, burnt out and isn't getting results in business looks for the next business course or coach.

Business coaching seems to be all the rage right now.

But, and that's a huge but, self-love should sell.

Self-love, body positivity, health and wellness, they all should be top sellers. That should be one of the top things working professionals and business owners turn to.

If they've taken tons of courses, worked with many coaches, sat on more webinars than they can count and they still aren't getting results it's really time to think outside the box. But no one seems to make the connection between health, self-love and business or work success.

I have an affirmations app called "I AM." It is always spot on.

One affirmation that I saved because it really hit this idea home was "Love of self is the answer to all problems."

Read that again...

Self-love, body love and investing in our health is probably the most underrated business strategy out there. I know, those are pretty big words. Don't get me wrong, I have done the business coaching, taken the courses, attended the masterclasses and all that but once I acknowledged how much self-love and my health made a difference in the choices I made in my life, that's when everything changed.

But why, you might ask, with all you have going on, should you really invest in the hoity-toity idea of self-love?


 1. Hating your body can fill you with low confidence, low self-esteem, self-doubt, etc.


When you hate yourself and especially your body you tend to think very poorly of it and want to hide it away. Therefore, hiding yourself away.

Business success and work success rely on one thing... Showing up confidently. When you radiate confidence and self-belief others believe in your success and they follow you.

But beyond that, you actually act differently at work. You have boundaries, your quality of work might go up, your relationships with your co-workers (if you have them) improve, your desire to connect with new leads for your business increases.

Confidence is not just a buzzword, it's a super important part of the way you show up in your life. If you're constantly hiding away and radiating self-hate, imposter syndrome, doubt in your abilities and negativity that is exactly what all your potential clients or your boss will feel. Why would anyone buy from you, promote you or give you a raise if they don't believe in you?

But here's the thing. We are not striving for perfection. No one is perfect even if they appear to be. No one is always confident and completely free of self-doubt. Perfection itself isn't even perfect because we want to have some colour in our lives.

2. The number one thing that often gets in the way is yourself


Your brain is powerful. You can consciously have belief in yourself and want something really bad but your subconscious holds the real control. You are often the meanest and most critical of yourself and your body is usually your number one target.

But your conscious thoughts can often be deceiving. If your subconscious doesn't buy it then it will always be holding you back. Your subconscious thoughts want to keep you safe and in your lane. If you only dedicate time to learning new business skills or attending seminars to get that promotion then that doesn't actually help your brain to believe in you more.

If you don't have love for yourself and your body you will stay stuck no matter how many qualifications you get.

3. Hating your body keeps you stuck & in inaction


Remember how much power your subconscious holds? If you hate your body and yourself your subconscious knows and wants to protect you. So you actually inadvertently hold yourself back. You play small, you hide behind the screen, you may even self-sabotage yourself.

When you work on your relationship with your body and ultimately your relationship with yourself you become less afraid of showing up. You don't feel the need to hide as much because if you love your body then you care much less about what others think about you. Not only does it amp up your confidence and self-belief but it also amps up your courage, motivation and mood!

Everything you do and take in affects the way you act and show up in the world. One health habits can impact you in many different ways depending on the motivation behind it or the thoughts associated with it.

For example, daily exercising can be both an amazing health habit and a detrimental one. If you are striving to improve your strength, your cardiovascular system, your health, your mood, your immune system, etc. then the habit is amazing and something that needs to happen to live a long and disease-free life. If you are striving to lose weight (in a negative way) or you use it as punishment for what you ate or are constantly telling yourself you have to do and it's such a chore then that's not a healthy relationship and it will send negative signals to your subconscious brain.

You can become very distracted or fixated on these habits. They can make you feel like a failure and that you don't deserve good things in life (the signals I used to send to my brain inadvertently). All this did was convince me that it didn't matter what I did in life I was never going to succeed.


Learning to love your body has an incredible ripple effect. It adds self-esteem, confidence, self-belief, motivation, drive and so on. 

All these things contribute to the way you show up in the world and the energy and messages you send off to the people in your life. Your potential clients, your family, your boss, etc.

Plus, learning to love your body contributes to your overall happiness in life and our mood. It is way more fun to be happy and full of life than sad and always worried about what others think of you because you are convinced everyone else looks at you and thinks you are [insert negative thought about yourself].


What is one thing you can do today to change the way you think about yourself and your body?


There are a lot of great habits you can add to your day to help your wellness. To get organized so these don't become overwhelming grab a FREE copy of my How To Create Your Own Wellness Plan resource to figure it out what and how to create a wellness plan that works for you and your life.


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