For the love of outside! 7 Benefits To Going Outside.

Uncategorized May 19, 2021

I'm sure you've heard people talk about how important it is to get outside and you may be sick of hearing it but this is one of my favourite topics to talk about so you get my thoughts on it today!

It may sound cliqué but being outside is honestly like medicine. Have you ever heard people say "laughter is the best medicine"? Well, they were wrong. Laughter is second compared to some good ole time in nature.

My favourite place is outside. It grounds me, it's my happy place, it's the place that makes me feel alive. I have this particular park close to my house that I walk through every day. It's a beautiful mix of forest that leads to ocean (I live at the bottom tip of an island).

I especially love going there on stormy days. I have a spot that I go sit at and watch the ocean dance. There are waves that gush at the rocks and jump up and over. It's perfection. What makes this so hysterical is that I actually have a diagnosed phobia of water. Yeah, I kid you not. Completely petrified but absolutely love sitting at the ocean in its most volatile form. Riddle me that.

Honestly, being outside has so many incredible benefits. We can eat all the healthiest foods, go to the gym every day, work on our mindset, meditate, do all the things and it doesn't compare to the benefits you get from simply take a step outside, in the fresh air.

So what are the benefits to being outside? I'll give you 7:

1. It Boost Your Energy

Seriously, skip that cup of coffee (well actually maybe don't if you drink it every day and love it) and instead try a little bit of clean fresh air. One study suggested that even just 20 minutes of outdoor time can give your brain a boost of energy similar to one cup of coffee.

Being outside makes you feel "more alive," it leaves you with a strong sense of vitality and studies in the Journal of Environmental Psychology show that simply being outside far exceeds the energizing benefits of both physical activity and social interaction (now imagine exercising outside?!)

2. Helps reduce pain and stress

Research suggests that exposure to sunlight has a positive effect on our stress and pain levels. Studies have been done on patients who after surgery were exposed to sunlight and they reported less pain, less stress, and as a result, actually took less pain medication.

Furthermore, research has shown that individuals who spend time in nature have significantly reduced cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and increased levels of endorphins and dopamine (the happiness hormones). 

The takeaway? When you're feeling stressed try stepping out and spending some time soaking up the rays (Mexico trip anyone?)

3. Optimizes Your Immune System

My favourite benefits, especially if you're reading this during COVID. This is one of the best ways to naturally optimize your immune system (or give it a boost if it's low) because it naturally does it without requiring any artificial strategy.

Scientists theorize that breathing in the phytoncides (the airborne chemicals made from plants) increases our levels of white blood cells, which help our bodies fight off infection and disease. This is extremely important information. If you want to help fight a pandemic or your own personal illness take a step out onto your balcony or in your backyard or if you can a walk and breath in all those beautiful phytoncides. DON'T STAY INSIDE!

4. Enhances Creativity

Okay, where are my entrepreneurs and creatives at? Do I have some good news for you!

If you're feeling a creative block or want a boost in creativity take a stroll and breathe in that fresh air. Psychologists found that backpackers score 50% higher on creativity tests after spending a few days outside.

This may be due to the fact that the outdoors can improve attention, mood, and give a greater scope for the imagination than an inside setting.

5. Reduces Mental Health Symptoms

Another big one! I'm sure you have probably heard of this benefit but it's definitely worth noting here. As mentioned above being in nature increases the endorphins and dopamine in your system while decreasing cortisol. Your brain is already happier with these things and they occur naturally when you head into the forest.

Research suggests that the key here is nature and not just the outdoors. Breathing in the air when walking around skyscrapers is not comparable to the air you get from being engrossed in nature such as in a forest.

When walking through a city setting there is a lot that can catch your attention. When walking through a forest it's much easier to turn your brain off and decrease rumination. Brain scans "showed reduced neural activity in an area of the brain linked to risk for mental illness" when walking in a nature setting.

Scientists have even found that during the harsher winter months being outside can reduce the severity of mental health symptoms, especially SAD (Season Depressive Disorder).

6. Increases Vitamin D

Due to an increase in urban living and an increase in people working inside Vitamin D is a vitamin that is severely lacking in modern society.

Sunlight in the number one way to get Vitamin D so during the summer months it is highly recommended to try spending as much time outside as you can so you don't need to supplement. Supplementing is fine but getting nutrients and vitamins the natural way is the best way!

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for a healthy functioning body. It has incredible benefits on your mental health, stress level, and mood but also on other physical symptoms. For example, it can help reduce inflammation, absorb calcium, and prevent osteoporosis.

7. Restores Your Focus

Studies show that walking in nature helps restore your focus when you're feeling low. So next time you are struggling to focus at work or school or in general just take a quick break for a walk around the block to get the blood flowing!

Often we struggle to focus because our mind is full and incredibly active so we need ways to quiet our mind. A new kind of therapy is taking gaining in popularity called ecotherapy..... Time in nature. In nature, our minds have to process substantially less information (see section on mental health symptoms) and this doesn't just help our mental health but also our ability to focus and our productivity levels. When we have less in our minds, less to worry about, we have more room to focus on the task at hand. There are fewer internal distractions.


So what do you think? Did I convince you to take more outdoor or walking breaks?

For me, as a busy entrepreneur, I know going outside is vital to my success. All of the benefits combined leave me in a much better starting point to have a productive and happy day. I ensure to make going outside a daily practice and I do it as much as I can. The excuse that I have too much to do no longer works because I know that a simple walk outside actually means I get more done in a shorter amount of time.

So if you're a professional, an entrepreneur, a busy parent with kids, or literally a human being then get yourself outside and reap the amazing benefits. You won't find these anywhere else in this natural of a state. You also won't find all of these benefits in one place so take the easy way!

What's your favourite outdoor activity? Email me at [email protected] and let me know!

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